Charging point map

Embed a map with essential information for your users: real-time status of your charging points, charging area information, connector types and much more.


Easy to use

Just select your desired options and directly get the code to embed the map to your web or app. Only a couple of clicks for an awesome result.


Build the map as you like by customising the theme and map controls (search, filters, options). Even add your own customised icons to represent the charging points.

Live data representation

Impress your users by showing real-time changes in charging point status with fancy animations. Instantly notify when a charging area is free or occupied.

Play with it!

Custom theme

Custom controls

Enable search

Enable filters

Enable info legend

Enable map controls

Enable location centring

Set initial position

Leave it blank to centre on user position

Filter by charging point operator

Leave it blank to show all chargers

Use your own icons

Upload custom icon

Embed it


Last step!

Tell us about your project and we will help you make it happen.

Type in your email and one of our experts will contact you.

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